I lost my father very early in my childhood, which taught me lessons I will never forget. The loss of my father made me think early on about the meaning of life. I was curious and ambitious but also had limitations that created dissatisfaction and prevented me from being who I am. Plus, I had a rare condition that caused me to sweat more than usual, and I had suicidal thoughts as a life experience that sought the discovery of life. However, the challenge attracted me, and that’s why I found love in competition through sports and only sometimes school. I would be lying if I told you that it was always easy for me, but there was always a whisper in the background that filled my heart with new motivation and said you would succeed. My biggest fear was that I would be alone forever without finding a soul mate and seeing the beauty of life. When unsettled, it isn’t easy to find understanding, even from those closest to you.

The biggest discovery
I loved and played basketball in the Michael Jordan era which opened up a new world of freedom for me. When I was 22, I had my mini enlightenment experience and entered the energy world. Running is the most natural way of life through deep breathing and can release the innate potential that everyone possesses. I later realized that to enter the state of flow, you must be ready for it; that is, you need previous knowledge, and that’s why nothing happens by chance. I can say that I was not a believer, nor did I belong to anyone or anything, but I had a strong heart that guided me and somehow believed in miracles because it seemed to me that I needed a gift. The miracle called life happened, and my mantra became: “I am free!”
Life after discovery
Being free meant realizing that I am enough, that everything is possible, and that everything is available. Knowing that everything depends on you and that you are a creator within the field of pure potentiality is the most significant source of happiness. We have the opportunity through our consciousness to immerse ourselves in this same creation in the present moment to create a life tailored to man. When man realizes this, he wants to share the magic with everyone, and we are in a time of awakening when this process is happening individually and en masse. Twenty-five or more years ago, this was impossible, but now it has become a necessity if we want to seize our opportunity in life and make the needed change.
Maybe you are wondering what happened after I discovered inner freedom. Things started to fall in place for me, and I didn’t feel lonely anymore. I am infinitely grateful to my wife, Ivana, and our three beautiful children. We were united by an infallible intuition that we all possess but don’t use as much as we could.

Besides my family, which means the most to me, I have worked as an engineer and manager in the IT sector for 22 years. I believe in lifelong learning, and I think I will learn as long as I live; that’s why I completed two undergraduate studies, namely computer science, my first love, and business economics and finance. As I became increasingly interested in international business, I finished my graduate studies and obtained the Master of Business Sciences title. My next challenge is writing a book and Ph.D. studies, and I will be happy to share it with you in the future.

I was in politics for 12 years as a young man, and I influenced positive changes in our society with my heart and mind. I had significant performances and successes at the local and national levels, but I would emphasize the fight for equality and justice in our society the most. I led people and am proud of that part of my life where I gained much experience.

After realizing that I could help people more directly and immediately, much deeper and more influential, I decided to enter the entrepreneurial waters. Today I am a certified life coach and business coach, which gave whole meaning to my life’s journey. Discovery and personal transformation are a part of me, and we are all part of the environment we live in; that’s why I believe in the transformation of all of us to understand that life happens for us, not against us. I want us to change the world by changing ourselves, and I believe it is possible. I have a vision that it is possible to achieve unity in peace, love, and balance in a connected world. My mission is to achieve this with the help of platforms for mind training, awareness, bioengineering and habit formation, flow, meditation, and breathing exercises.
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